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Ride the bench (to ) conjugation

28 examples
This verb can also mean the following: warm, warm the bench

Conjugation of ride the bench

you all
Present Simple
ride the bench
ride the bench
rides the bench
ride the bench
ride the bench
ride the bench
Future Simple
will ride the bench
will ride the bench
will ride the bench
will ride the bench
will ride the bench
will ride the bench
Past Simple
rode the bench
rode the bench
rode the bench
rode the bench
rode the bench
rode the bench
Conditional Simple
would ride the bench
would ride the bench
would ride the bench
would ride the bench
would ride the bench
would ride the bench
you all
Present Progressive
am riding the bench
are riding the bench
is riding the bench
are riding the bench
are riding the bench
are riding the bench
Future Progressive
will be riding the bench
will be riding the bench
will be riding the bench
will be riding the bench
will be riding the bench
will be riding the bench
Past Progressive
was riding the bench
were riding the bench
was riding the bench
were riding the bench
were riding the bench
were riding the bench
Conditional Progressive
would be riding the bench
would be riding the bench
would be riding the bench
would be riding the bench
would be riding the bench
would be riding the bench
you all
Present Perfect
have ridden the bench
have ridden the bench
has ridden the bench
have ridden the bench
have ridden the bench
have ridden the bench
Future Perfect
will have ridden the bench
will have ridden the bench
will have ridden the bench
will have ridden the bench
will have ridden the bench
will have ridden the bench
Past Perfect
had ridden the bench
had ridden the bench
had ridden the bench
had ridden the bench
had ridden the bench
had ridden the bench
Conditional Perfect
would have ridden the bench
would have ridden the bench
would have ridden the bench
would have ridden the bench
would have ridden the bench
would have ridden the bench
Present Perfect Progressive
have been riding the bench
have been riding the bench
has been riding the bench
have been riding the bench
have been riding the bench
have been riding the bench
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been riding the bench
will have been riding the bench
will have been riding the bench
will have been riding the bench
will have been riding the bench
will have been riding the bench
Past Perfect Progressive
had been riding the bench
had been riding the bench
had been riding the bench
had been riding the bench
had been riding the bench
had been riding the bench
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been riding the bench
would have been riding the bench
would have been riding the bench
would have been riding the bench
would have been riding the bench
would have been riding the bench

Examples of ride the bench

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
Chances are I'll ride the bench half the season.
For now, all drunks with robot fixations ride the bench.
Let him ride the bench.
Please don't make me ride the bench.
To ride the bench, Coach.
Chances are I'll ride the bench half the season.
For now, all drunks with robot fixations ride the bench.
Let him ride the bench.
Please don't make me ride the bench.
To ride the bench, Coach.
I ain't never rode the bench and then go call myself a champion.
I rode the bench for two years.
I rode the bench on varsity baseball. You went to school with Maggie?
Yeah, well, you were a lousy receiver whose ass rode the bench better than he ever ran a damn route, Carl!
I ain't never rode the bench and then go call myself a champion.
I rode the bench for two years.
I rode the bench on varsity baseball. You went to school with Maggie?
Yeah, well, you were a lousy receiver whose ass rode the bench better than he ever ran a damn route, Carl!
Because I'll probably just be riding the bench, and I didn't want to get her hopes up.
Getting some quality playing time is much better than riding the bench.
He has me riding the bench.
Matt Saracen and Smash Williams are riding the bench.
Not riding the bench.
Because I'll probably just be riding the bench, and I didn't want to get her hopes up.
Getting some quality playing time is much better than riding the bench.
He has me riding the bench.
Matt Saracen and Smash Williams are riding the bench.
Not riding the bench.

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Not found
We have none.


Not found
We have none.

Similar but longer

Not found
We have none.


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None found.